Ever found yourself in a flat tire situation and wondering how to fix this? Today in this article i will be sharing my experiences and mechanic’s expert guidance. Let’s explore how far can you really drive on a plugged tire.
If you found yourself in a situation of flat tire, the easiest fix would be tire plugging with a specialty material that prevents the air leaks. But the important question is, how long can you drive on a plugged tire?
As advised by tire experts, the safe distance would be around 8 to 10 miles. To be on a safer side, its better to keep it much shorter distance and reach the nearest service center soon.
How Long Can You Drive On A Plugged Tire?
Professionals advise to drive around 10 miles in a plugged tire if your tire is in a good condition. If its older than 5 years, it better to change the tire.

Plugged tire is not a long term fix and it lets you keep moving until you reach the nearest service center to fix it.
Most of the tire mechanics use this as a cheap fix, however as advised by experts it should be done in a proper way. The method of plugging requires to remove the tire and professionally seal it in a way that if you plan to drive for a longer distance with this plugged tire it can be done.
There is professional method to plug a tire so that if you plan to change the tire in future after some miles. Firstly the surface needs to be prepped and marked a zone and then its suitable for repairing.
If you plan to plug it yourself, use a professional tire plug to fill the air leak. A nail can be used to adapt to the size of the hole
Firmly fix the tire plug and cut off the excess material that is protruding from the surface
Many users have tried to drive with a plugged tire for longer distances without any problem, however to the point to be noted is that they might be relatively new tires. Even though this is completely not advisable from a expert opinion.

When to Use Plugging Method
✅ When to Plug the tire : If the puncture is on the middle of Tread surface
❌When not to Plug the tire: Sides of the Shoulder is difficult
Also, measure the severity of the puncture. If the puncture is not more than 7mm and the air leaks are not multiple. Then plugging is quite considerable.
After flat tire you can plug and It is essential to analyze the correct condition that the wheel is facing to make considerable repair
Does Plugging a Tire Damage It?
It doesn’t, the plugged material remains inside the tire and seals the puncture and it does not interfere in anyway to damage the tire.
This is a very effective method in the emergency situation and the air inside the tire for a quite long time it will not cause any damage.

How Long Do You Need To Wait After Plugging The Tire?
You can wait a few minutes after the plugging is done and the process of installing tires on to the wheel takes some time and during this time the complete gluing takes place.
Unlike Patching methods, the tire needs to be completely removed for working in a better condition. For your assurance, you can wait for 5-8 mins so that the glue is completely dried and you can also verify the air leakage with soapy water and check if there is any air leaks.
Plug better than the patched tire?
The quality of these two methods are similar. However, the time needed to fix the puncture by plugging is much shorter, it takes around 15 mins, this depends on the skill and expertise of the individual.
Plugging involves the removal of the tire and prepping the surface with a grinder and then application of glue and it involves some additional processes, it would take around 20-30 mins.
My mechanic suggests based on the type of puncture in the tire, If the puncture is quite big and needs to be patched then plugging doesn’t apply in that scenario. If you have a small wound of around 4mm then plugging would be a better option, something bigger than 7mm then patching needs to be done.
Can I plug in the wheel without removing it?
Depends on the type of foreign object that’s stuck in the tire. If you have a nail that’s deeply embedded on that tire surface the the tire needs to be taken out, in this case the wheel bolts has to be disassembled and then the foreign object stuck inside the tire has to be removed.
How much do I need to spend to plug the wheel?
Around $10 – $20. The price also depends on the many factors, the quality and type of material used.
Is it better to patch or plug a tire?
A patched spot by properly installed is better the plugged tire. This is due to the size of hole on the tire, if the hole is larger, then you have to go with patching method. A well installed plug on the smaller holes can work well in most cases.
You can also combine these two methods for a longer solution. This should be advised by a professional.
Can a tire plug cause blowout?
If you drive very fast and in some extreme heated conditions it may cause to blowout due to the different materials of the plug and the tire radial. However, this is a rare case and you need to consult with your mechanic before you plan for a long drive to ensure that its safe.